Friday, February 10, 2012

How to Succeed in Business....

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and evaluating (Those of you who know me are shocked, I’m sure).  Scattered Seed is nearly three years old, and yet in many ways, it’s still such a newborn.   

Stepping out into your calling is hard work.  Figuring out exactly what it is you’re supposed to do, and who you’ll be doing it for.  Trying to do it all on your own, and then realizing the need to have other people involved, even if they’re “just” offering prayer support.  Hours and hours of researching, planning, evaluating. 

Over it all looms the question:  “AM I DOING THIS THE RIGHT WAY?”

And so I look around me to see what everyone else is doing, and compare myself to them.  Advice is everywhere - friends, colleagues, and of course, the giant pool of data that is the internet.  How should my fees be structured?  Should I blog?  And if so, how often?  About what?  If the work is there, should I expand and hire some help? 

The temptation to just imitate everyone else is strong.  Business models are a dime a dozen.  And it’s not like I don’t have the capability to make a marketing plan or start a newsletter. 

But then I remember:  If I modeled Scattered Seed after the world’s business principles, I’ve lost the most distinguishing factor I have.  This isn’t a normal business – it’s my ministry.  If Scattered Seed succumbed to all of the latest business principles and models, well…….. it would become a worldly business. That’s not what God intended for me.

And yes, some of the decisions I make may not make a lot of sense to everyone else.   And it may fly in the face of everything that I learned in my college business classes.  That’s okay.  At the end of the day, there’s only one question that matters:  Is this what God has told me to do? 

So if weeks go by, and there’s nothing new posted to the blog, there’s no need for me to worry.  I’m sure He’ll eventually give me something to share.  And if there’s a lull in my work load, it’s probably for a reason (like perhaps, rest for the upcoming onslaught).  God created Scattered Seed, not me.  And as long as I stick to His plan, it’ll be a success in His eyes. 

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within ME (and you!), will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.  Philipians 1:6 

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