This is what my Father wants: that anyone who sees the Son and trusts who He is and what he does and then aligns with him will enter real life, eternal life. My part is to put them on their feet alive and whole at the completion of time." John 6:40Is your life in need of some realignment?
True alignment is when we are completely in tune with what our Father has for us, and we know the part that we play in His world. We are confident in our calling, using and developing the gifts and resources we have to impact the world around us. There is no hesitation, no doubt – only joy at doing the will of God.
Sounds great, doesn’t it? But be honest, is that really a description of you – ALL the time? Ummm……. not always, for me. Looking at the big picture, I think I could say that on the whole, I’ve aligned myself with God. But there are definite instances where I’m in need of a little realignment. Some fine tuning, if you will.
Here are the top three situations that knock me out of line:
When I take too much responsibility on my shoulders. God gives me the opportunity to be involved, and I attempt to take over. For example, God gives me an intercessory burden to pray for someone, and in my arrogance I become convinced that I must also help find a solution for them. That’s not at all what it means to be an intercessor. The fixing is up to God, I just ask and keep asking for His resolution – otherwise I’ll throw myself out of alignment.
When I’m easily distracted, reaching for something that is clearly (and for good reason) unreachable. This often occurs as a response to make myself into someone I’m not, often mimicking a well-respected mentor or teacher in my life. For years I prayed for God to make me more like one of the women in my church, whose gentle, peaceful nature was easily recognized by all. And then I realized - if God wanted me to act and be like her, He would have made me her twin. He needs both of us. My overreaching caused misalignment – and robbed both me and those around me of my own unique abilities.
When I’m not submissive to his timing. I may be fully involved doing what God has asked me to do, but I become impatient with His timetable, and I overstretch. I attempt to speed up the process, and do too much too fast. It’s beyond my current capabilities, and I end up like the runner who attempts to run a marathon on his first day of training – exhausted, burned out, and sore.
Thankfully, God is always available to fine-tune me, recentering me in His will. I love the Message translation of John 6:40, above – His desire is for me to be on my feet and alive at the end of time. Not crawling on my hands and knees to the finish line, not quitting halfway through the race – but on my feet, celebrating His victory.
It just may take a few (okay, several hundred) realignment sessions to get there. All part of the process!
That's some good advice, girlfriend!