Friday, December 30, 2011

Quiet Waters

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks at our house.  Finishing up work projects, last-minute Christmas shopping, and three separate rounds of company from family members over the holidays.  It’s all good, but I’m feeling more than a little tapped out. 

It’s a constant struggle for me to remember that I need to take time for myself.  I can only give from what I have.  And if I haven’t been connected to God lately, I’m probably not going to be acting very much in His image. 

For 2012, I’m committing to being more intentional in my resting.  I’m taking one morning every week to spend with Jesus.  (Just to shake things up a bit, my “Sabbath” is going to be on Thursday J).  I’ll spend some time in prayer, both for myself, and my clients – but I’ll spend an even larger time just listening and waiting to hear from God. 

I believe that God gives each one of us a unique way of connecting to Him.  Often it’s a form of creative expression – painting, sculpting, writing.  It’s not just limited to the arts – one of my friends swears that he is closest to God when he is running.  For me, though, it’s time at the piano.  Doesn’t really matter what I sit down to play; inevitably I began playing what’s on my heart, and God meets me there.  We’ve been doing this for years now, and it never ceases to amaze me.  I’ve fought battles, nursed wounds, confessed sin, and found healing – all at my piano.  It’s rare that I ever remember what I play, but the notes aren’t really that important.  I just know that neither one of us will be leaving until I am once again at peace, beautifully refreshed, and ready to go do my job again.

Such a precious gift from my gentle Shepherd, who patiently waits for me to remember that 
he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. (Psalm 23:2-3)

Where are your quiet waters?
Have you been there with Him lately???

1 comment:

  1. Oh so wonderful, Laura... thank you for sharing your heart (and your plan for a Sabbath day each week). Even the green, leafy background feels refreshing!
