When I started Scattered Seed, I had no idea what I would actually be doing, or even how I'd find work. Seriously. I know it's not the best way to start a business, but I created the company because, well, God told me to. And, quite frankly, nothing else I had thought of seemed to be working for me.
But the work came, and all was good.
Then, about a year ago, I took a month to really focus on my vision, asking God where He was leading me. What did He want Scattered Seed to be? I spent a lot of time listening, and asking God to give me images to confirm what I was hearing.
A lot came out of that time -- this blog, my Thursday morning "sabbaths," and the core values that now drive how I work. But one image in particular stuck out. It was the image of my logo, a cross-shaped tree, as one of many trees surrounding my community. We formed a circle and were interconnected like a spider web, supporting each other and protecting the community. Each of us played a critical role, but we were only one of many, and together, we were much stronger than as individual groups.
I tucked the image away, but was reminded of it again later when I attended and taught at the Externally Focused Faith Conference in Charleston, SC. At the close of the conference, they showed photographs of each of the cities represented, set to the music of Chris Tomlin's "God of this City." As we all began to quietly sing along, one lyric jumped out at me:
"Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city."
So for the past year, I've held this vision and promise close to my heart, knowing that God was building connections, and I was being prepared to do some master web-weaving, like Charlotte in Charlotte's Web. (I suppose you could use a Spiderman analogy here, but if you don't mind, I prefer to think of myself as Charlotte)
And now, I'm starting to see the edges of the web form. Ministries I encounter that I immediately feel prompted to connect with other ministries, people, or churches. Partnerships are being made, resources coordinateded, stories and hearts are being shared -- the web is slowly emerging. The CHURCH as a whole, the body of Christ, is coming together and truly function as a body, not just a series of isolated ministries.
I am convinced that God is on the move in the Raleigh/Durham Triangle area, and if I may be so bold, in your community as well. And we all have a part to play to connect to each other and better serve the hurting neighbors we surround.
So here's my challenge:
Take the next couple of days or weeks and ask God to reveal how He's moving in your town, and what you need to do to be a part of it.
Maybe it's checking out a new ministry you've heard about, volunteering, or supporting it financially.
Maybe it's connecting an in-house ministry at your church to other similar groups, church or parachurch, so that you can walk the road together.
Maybe there are just 2 people in your life that God wants you to bring together for a discussion over a cup of coffee.
Whatever it is . . . be obedient. It might not seem like a big deal to you, but the largest of movements all begin with the smallest of steps.
And let me know what God is up to where you are - who knows? You and I might find yet another connection where God is at work!

You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You are
You're the Light in this darkness
You're the Hope to the hopeless
You're the Peace to the restless
You are
There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater thing have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Chris Tomlin, God of this City